You cant find it on Netflix and you cant find it for less than $50 on dvd. Go steal this movie and share it with as many people as possible because Japanese Summer: Double Suicide has to be seen. The plot follows a large cast of characters who all represent some facet of the directors personality. His lust, desire to hill himself and others, his longing to be good and the frustration of his youth all come to life in the most fantastic ways. You know when you have those imaginary arguments in your head where you over analyze everything trying to weigh the risk of each decision you make? The whole movie plays out like this with each of his desires interfering with each other constantly shifting the story in new and exciting directions. I was so impressed I cant really think of anything I didn't like about it other than the poor quality of the subtitles. I look forward to seeing more of Nagisa Ôshima's work and if this movie is any indication of whats in store for me that fifty dollar price tag wont seem so steep.
The next best thing to Star Wars/10