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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Week end

So, week end eh? How is it that something this bat shit insane has never come up on my radar? This film can not be categorized nor can it be compared to anything. Seriously this film is nuts each scene is a self contained nightmare of sex, violence and whimsical nonsense. A true work of art albeit a pretentious one but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The spontaneous chaos is sometimes startling and at all times confusing. That's right its one of those movies, the kind that leaves you lost in the best possible way. The director never had a narrative more like a palette of ideas. Its hard to watch, its chaos is orchestrated with such theatrical zeal that its impossible to look away. Even the agonizing traffic scene which felt like an endurance test held my attention every second. They really don't make movies like this anymore, none that are this much fun and equally appalling. There are so many little things to describe like Godard's use of text and music that talking or reading about it does no justice. Viewer beware though it will offend everyone and anyone you watch it with. Its just the kind of movie people hate and fans of the movie can totally understand why. Its also the kind of movie I can see myself forcing upon people because not having anyone to talk to about this is going to drive me insane.

God tier

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