Bored and don't know what to watch? Does music from the radio make you want to kill indiscriminately? Just take a look around I guarantee you will find something that strikes your fancy.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

2010 Movie Madness

I just got my tax return and the Hollywood video down the street has dropped their prices to $6 a movie and will probably drop them again before they shut down for good. Here are just a few of the goodies I picked up. I have to say 8 1/2 was my favorite of the group, the dream sequences were perfect in blending fantasy and reality. Its one of those perfect lazy day movies where you want something good but not something intense. While watching 8 1/2 I kept getting this Wes Anderson vibe similar to The Life Aquatic very surreal with a touch of dark humor. After that I got into The Chunking Express. I bought this movie not knowing it was by Wong Kar Wai director of 2046 and In the Mood for Love. Its really more of the same lush colors, steamy romances and possibly the best use of California Dreaming in a film ever.
Next up, The seventh seal! . . .For a later day.

I also picked up some religious children's shows on VHS but that too is for another day.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The loving glow of a laptop

Its almost 4am why am I watching a movie about killer hair extensions? This is just silly.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I just finished my 10th Kurosawa film and its true, there is no such thing as a bad Kursosawa movie. His ability to tell a story and to make the audience empathize with his characters has yet to be matched by another director. Does'Ka-Den is in my opinion his best non samurai film and his most human. Shot in 28 days Dodes'Ka-Den is what you would call a directors film, a character driven story blended with psychedelic imagery. I would not recommend this as an introduction to Kurosawa but as another chapter in the history of cinemas greatest film maker.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


I put off watching this movie for months and I feel like a complete idiot for doing so. Delicatessen is a joyous romp through post apocalyptic France full of cannibalism, obese subterranean french ninjas and snappy musical numbers. I'm not particularly fond of comedies but Delicatessen was a special kind of wonderful. There is so much character and style in every detail that its impossible to resist. As a fun side note I had no idea that it was made in 1991, it holds up incredibly well in terms of humor and quality.
There is an awesome going out of business sale at the Hollywood Video down the street I need to save up my nickels and dimes so I can pick this up along with about 10 other movies from their foreign film section. Go find one in your town I hear they are closing a bunch in California you will be surprised what you find.

Also, clowns.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Favorite movies update because I knew you were wondering.

I updated my top 10 to my top 70 so go click on my profile.

Love exposure

Irreverent, vulgar, silly, violent, confusing and hilariously bloody are just a few words to describe Love Exposure, a 4 hour long japsploitation romantic comedy, yeah that's right let that one sink in. Love Exposure is also one of the freaking best movies I have ever or probably will ever see. Its so brave and uncompromising but most of all its fun. I love asian shock, its one of the reasons I fell in love with film and this is the Citizen Cain of the genre. Now I don't want to conjure up images of an Attack Swim Girls Team vs The Unliving Dead kind of shock film, you can tell early on this was a labor of love. I think it also helps to have been exposed to some of Shion Sono's earlier films like Suicide Club and Noriko's Dinner Table. I loved both of those movies but they both felt like an experiment and in Suicide Clubs case like a half finished idea. Love Exposure though is complete from start to its 4 hour finish. I love that this flick was given enough time to play out otherwise you have the narrative mess of Nariko's Dinner Table. You really get to see the growth of the characters as they are thrust into one bizarre situation after another. I would not be doing my job if I did not mention there are more panty shots in this movie than any other in history. Its central to the plot and the way its handled is fantastic. This film tip toes all over the line of exploitation never going too far but probably a little intense for someone who has never experienced cinema from the far east (or been to 4chan). All in all I love movies that shatter the mold and do something never seen before and Love Exposure does so with undeniable style. The 4 hours flew by and I cant wait for this thing to hit American shelves because it has cult status tattooed all over it.